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TCRSSHIOHandler + TMyConnection = "Open Failed"

Posted: Fri 18 Dec 2020 10:27
by stuartclennett

Note, I have recently inherited this project a couple of days ago and I'm completely new to this project and MyDAC/SecureBridge

I've got my TScSSHClient working & I've followed the steps in, but when I try to set Connection1.Connected := TRUE I get Open Failed (EScError).

I've traced this to TCRSSHIOHandler.Connect(...) line 147 (Channel.Connect). So the CRSSHIOHandler is creating it's own TScSSHChannel instance.

The strange thing is that there's already a TScSSHChannel component on the datamodule which is set up (by previous programmer) and connects ok in the code. TBH I don't really know why that channel component is there if CRSSHIOHandler is creating it's own instance internally.

The server is web server, I can use PUTTY (default settings) to connect to MySQL on localhost:3306.

This post exactly describes my problem: viewtopic.php?t=35202 but unfortunately remains unsolved.

Can anyone point me in the right direction here?


Re: TCRSSHIOHandler + TMyConnection = "Open Failed"

Posted: Fri 18 Dec 2020 15:15
by stuartclennett

Seems my ISP has turned off port forwarding for SSH connections, which means this solution would not work.

Re: TCRSSHIOHandler + TMyConnection = "Open Failed"

Posted: Fri 18 Dec 2020 16:14
by ViktorV
Please check whether the issue is reproduced on our SSH demo project, which you can find in the directory:%MyDACDemos%\TechnologySpecific\SecureBridge\Demo\SSH, where %MyDACDemos% is the path where MyDAC Demo projects are installed on your computer.
If the issue is reproduced on our demo sample, please compose and send us a small sample demonstrating the issue.

Re: TCRSSHIOHandler + TMyConnection = "Open Failed"

Posted: Fri 18 Dec 2020 19:15
by stuartclennett
Hi Viktor,

Thanks for getting back to me. The webserver I was trying to connect to disallows port forwarding over SSH so that's why it's not working. I have moved the database to an Amz RDS instance & MyDAC connects successfully to that. (I am using the trial but will purchase a license now that it's working)

Thanks & seasons greetings


Re: TCRSSHIOHandler + TMyConnection = "Open Failed"

Posted: Mon 21 Dec 2020 12:16
by ViktorV
Yes, if the ISP disabled port forwarding, you'll get this error.