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Access violation using dbxoda

Posted: Tue 11 Jan 2005 21:29
by edelvillar

We're currently evaluating your dbxoda driver in order to integrate it into our dev projects. Everything seems to be ok when we use the driver in simple GUI apps. However, if we try to use it from within COM+ components, an access violation pops up when connecting to the database.
Here's a simplified example of the code we use in our component (we use BCB6) :

SQLConnection = new TCRSQLConnection( NULL ) ;

SQLConnection->ConnectionName = "XXX" ;
SQLConnection->DriverName = "Oracle (Core Lab)" ;
SQLConnection->LibraryName = "dbexpoda.dll" ;
SQLConnection->VendorLib = "OCI.DLL" ;
SQLConnection->GetDriverFunc = "getSQLDriverORA" ;
SQLConnection->KeepConnection = true ;
SQLConnection->LoadParamsOnConnect = false ;
SQLConnection->LoginPrompt = false ;
SQLConnection->Params->Clear( ) ;

SQLConnection->Params->Add( "DataBase=MydB" ) ;
SQLConnection->Params->Add( "Password=xX" ) ;
SQLConnection->Params->Add( "User_Name=MydbUser" ) ;

// Fails opening db. Gets access violation
// at 0x011241a4 : write of address 0x00000000
SQLConnection->Connected = true ; /// <---- AV

I hope you could help us with this problem as we're very urged in the validating process of crlab products. Standard (borland) dbExpress driver for Oracle was not considered as it doesn't support EnableBCD parameter.

Thank You very much.

Ernesto Del Villar
[email protected]

Posted: Thu 13 Jan 2005 10:08
by Paul
Possibly it is the problem with the trial limitation. Please contact to DbxOda support address. We will solve this problem.