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Exception in thrown the dbExpress Oracle driver

Posted: Mon 29 Jul 2013 21:55
by costa

I have this weird exception that occurs only when I run my app in debug mode :

Thread Start: Thread ID: 5688. Process Pr.exe (1472)
First chance exception at $750FC41F. Exception class SocketException with message
'Cannot connect to server on host 'localhost':
No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
Socket Error Code: 10061($274D)'.

This is the link to a screenshot of the stack trace: Image

Do you know what's going on here?

It's not really an issue, everything works fine otherwise, but I was curious about what's happening.


Re: Exception in thrown the dbExpress Oracle driver

Posted: Tue 30 Jul 2013 06:26
by AlexP

We cannot reproduce the problem.
Please try reproducing the problem on a "clean" application only by placing the TSQLConnection component onto the form and configuring it in the same way as in your application. If the problem can be reproduced, please send this application to us.

Re: Exception in thrown the dbExpress Oracle driver

Posted: Thu 08 Aug 2013 23:10
by costa
Please download the project file from this link: ...

It will allow you to reproduce the problem. Please note the following:
- you need an oracle database to test the project (of course). We tested it on a Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release database.

- you need to compile the following procedure (you might get away without it, not sure 100%):

Code: Select all

tmpVar NUMBER;

END TestProcedure;
- you need to modify lines 33-35 of the DatabaseDataModule.pas file to enter the information relative to your db
- you need to run the project in debug mode

The weird thing is that, if you remove the SQLMonitor object, it works fine, if you activate the SQLMonitor object it also works fine. So, the SQLMonitor object seems to have an effect (it is linked to the connection) even though it is not active.

I hope you have all the info you need now.


Re: Exception in thrown the dbExpress Oracle driver

Posted: Fri 09 Aug 2013 11:27
by AlexP

If the SQLMonitor.Active option is set to True and the DBMonitor application is not running, the error will occur only when starting the IDE; if the application is run via the EXE file, the error will not occur independently on whether DBMonitor is running or not.

We have already fixed the problem, the fix will be included to the next version

Re: Exception in thrown the dbExpress Oracle driver

Posted: Fri 09 Aug 2013 17:43
by costa
When is the next version going to be released? Can we get a patch if we contact you? We have a license with source code.


Re: Exception in thrown the dbExpress Oracle driver

Posted: Mon 12 Aug 2013 09:15
by AlexP

Please send us your license number and e-mail to alexp*devart*com in order for me to send you the fixed version of dbExpress driver for Oracle.

Re: Exception in thrown the dbExpress Oracle driver

Posted: Tue 17 Jun 2014 08:31
by dataplan
In which version exactly is this error fixed? We have version 6.2 and the problem is even worse: Everytime a connection is made or a query is opened, this exception occurs during debugging when SQLTracing is activated. The problem occurs in MS SQLServer driver too.

Re: Exception in thrown the dbExpress Oracle driver

Posted: Wed 18 Jun 2014 08:13
by AlexP
This problem was fixed in the version 6.3.4. You can download the latest trial version from our website and and check it on your project.