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Out of Memory Exception after many Querys

Posted: Fri 07 Dec 2012 09:03
by mhug

we are getting "out of memory" exceptions when executing many queries (when calling Open respectively). All queries are very basic, all like Select * from xyz where ...

After closing and restart the application all is fine.

we are using
dbexpoda.dll version
Delphi 7
Oracle 10g

it is independent from Operatingsystem, we tested with xp, win7 on clientside
and win 2003, win 2008 on server side.

after some internet search it seems to the problem is very the same as posted here:

to verify that the error is caused by dbexpoda.dll I try to use the newest (trial) version from the download section. But with this version the performance of the queries
is dramatically slower than with the old dbexpoda.dll.

so i can't test it with this version.

the problem is very urgent for our customer so any help greatly appreciated.
kind regards


Re: Out of Memory Exception after many Querys

Posted: Fri 07 Dec 2012 11:26
by mhug

i was able to test it with the newer version (4.90) of dbexpoda.

With this version there is no out of memory Exception but
as i mentioned before, the performance is extremly slow compared to version 3.20.

Is there a parameter/option i can set to improve performance?
With the new version
our application need about 2 hours for the task.
Before it was down in 10 min.

kind regards


Re: Out of Memory Exception after many Querys

Posted: Fri 07 Dec 2012 11:51
by AlexP

We fix bugs only in the latest product versions, fixes and changes are not included into previous versions. If you encountered problems when using our dbExpress driver, please specify the operations leading to performance decreasing (INSERT, UPDATE, etc.). In addition, provide scripts for creating and filling the DB objects used for performance test, the test results, and a small application demonstrating the problem if possible, in order that we can reproduce and fix the appeared problems.