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dbexpoda.dll not working on Windows 2008 server

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012 22:24
by polravi
Hello All,

Can someone help me with dbexpoda.dll and tell me whether this dll is compatible with Windows 2008 server or not.

I'm using it in a application created using Delphi 7 but the application is crashing when the report tries to access dbexpoda.dll

Looking for the help from support team of devart.

Thanking you all in advance

Re: dbexpoda.dll not working on Windows 2008 server

Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2012 10:38
by AlexP

The specified version of our dbExpress driver for Oracle (2.50.6) is not compatible with Windows 2008. To work in this OS, you should use the latest version of our driver - 5.1.3.

Re: dbexpoda.dll not working on Windows 2008 server

Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2012 22:59
by polravi
Hello Alex,
Thanks for the reply.
Could you please tell me dbexpoda.dll is compatible on which all Windows OS version?
Need to understand so that I can change this dll quickly.

AlexP wrote:Hello,

The specified version of our dbExpress driver for Oracle (2.50.6) is not compatible with Windows 2008. To work in this OS, you should use the latest version of our driver - 5.1.3.

Re: dbexpoda.dll not working on Windows 2008 server

Posted: Thu 12 Jul 2012 09:02
by AlexP

The latest versions of our dbExpress drivers are compatible with the following Windows versions: XP, Vista, Windows 7 (Windows 8 support is planned just after its official release). Since RadStudio XE2, the 64-bit applications development is available with using our 64-bit dbExpress drivers for this IDE.

Re: dbexpoda.dll not working on Windows 2008 server

Posted: Thu 12 Jul 2012 16:24
by polravi
And what about dbexpoda.dll
Which all OS that old dll works on.

AlexP wrote:Hello,

The latest versions of our dbExpress drivers are compatible with the following Windows versions: XP, Vista, Windows 7 (Windows 8 support is planned just after its official release). Since RadStudio XE2, the 64-bit applications development is available with using our 64-bit dbExpress drivers for this IDE.

Re: dbexpoda.dll not working on Windows 2008 server

Posted: Fri 13 Jul 2012 06:57
by AlexP

This version of our dbExpress driver (2.50.6) was tested and works stably on Windows XP. The driver wasn't tested on other OSs, and we cannot guarantee its functioning on the OSs different from Windows XP