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TDBXError 'Schema or user name separated by a '.' must be sp

Posted: Mon 16 Aug 2010 09:04
by jsaumell
I'am upgrading a Delphi 2006 application where I was using version 4.20.4 of dbExpress driver to RAD 2007 with version 4.20.11.

Delphi raises an error 'Schema or user name separated by a '.' must be specified' when filling StoredProcName property calling a Stored Procedure (same code is working in old Delphi).

Here is the code:

procedure ExecSomething (strConnection: String);
var StoreProcedure: TSQLStoredProc;
StoreProcedure := TSQLStoredProc.Create(nil);
with StoreProcedure do
SqlConnection := GetConnection (strConnection);
SChemaName := 'SEC';
PackageName := 'SEC_PKG';
StoredProcName := 'SETPROP'; <--- Exception raises here
ParambyName('value').AsString := 'test';

Posted: Mon 16 Aug 2010 10:43
by jsaumell

I was using old version of library.
LibraryName=dbexpoda30.dll -> LibraryName=dbexpoda40.dll