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Paramete Count get datatype!

Posted: Thu 12 May 2005 05:57
by youruser
When i user sqlQuery Excute SQL,for example "insert into table (col1,col2) values (:col1, :col2)", set params.parametebyname('col1').value, always say Error:"Unknown data type (11) (D:\Projects\Delphi\Dbx\Source\dbexp.pas, line 859)",when debug,it always return ftUnknow.

how to do??

Re: Paramete Count get datatype!

Posted: Thu 12 May 2005 07:34
by Guest
set SQLQuery1.params.parametebyname('col1').value := SQLQuery2.parametebyname('col1').value .SQLQuery1 and SQLQuery2 link different database is Oracle,Source database is Sybase.

Posted: Thu 12 May 2005 07:51
by Paul
Do you assing SQLQuery1.params.parametebyname('col1').DataType, SQLQuery1.params.parametebyname('col1').ParamType befor executeion sql? What are these values?
We couldn't reproduce the problem. Please send us complete sample to demonstrate it to DbxOda support address and include script to create server objects. Please specify the version of Oracle server, Oracle client, version of DbxOda that you use.