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MyDump.BackupToFile terribly slow even with one record

Posted: Wed 09 Jun 2021 11:59
by starhu

I noticed that MyDump.BackupToFile terribly slow even with one record.
I found out that each time I call MyDump.BackupToFile, in change BackupToFile calls "SHOW TABLE STATUS" which , at a complex database is more than 1 minute!

This means even if I want to save 1 record, the program freezes for more than 1 minute!

I use MyDac 10.4.3 and these settings:

MyDump := TMyDump.Create(nil);
MyDump.Connection := MyForm.Connection;
MyDump.Objects := [doData];
MyDump.BackupToFile(MyFileName,'select * from temp_invoice;') ;

Thank you for your reply!

Re: MyDump.BackupToFile terribly slow even with one record

Posted: Fri 18 Jun 2021 13:27
by ViktorV
Hi Henry,

Thanks for your reply.
Please be informed that while working TMyDump executes system queries to MySQL server in order to receive required information and one of them is SHOW TABLE STATUS.
Kindly note that we will review the option of query modification for MySQL higher than version 5.
