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Get OUT Param with TMyCommand

Posted: Wed 06 Jan 2021 21:29
by davor.TCS
I am using TMyComand with two IN parameters, but I can not get result into OUT parameter. How can I do this?

In TMyCommand as SQL I have this:
SELECT SUM(table_count.MyNumber) INTO @TblRecNo
(SELECT COUNT(*) AS MyNumber FROM :TblName1 UNION ALL SELECT COUNT(*) AS MyNumber FROM :TblName2) table_count;

-- this does not work
SELECT @TblRecNo INTO :TotalCount;
-- or
SET :TotalCount = @TblRecNo;
In Delphi I have something like this (DM.GetRecCount is TMyCommand):

Re: Get OUT Param with TMyCommand

Posted: Thu 07 Jan 2021 13:47
by davidmarcus
select sum(...) as Foo ...

DM.GetRecCount.FieldByName( 'Foo' ).AsInteger

Re: Get OUT Param with TMyCommand

Posted: Fri 08 Jan 2021 12:20
by davor.TCS
TMyCommand does not have FieldByName property...
Params are usually set with :ParamName ...

Re: Get OUT Param with TMyCommand

Posted: Fri 08 Jan 2021 14:17
by davidmarcus
Use TMyQuery.

Re: Get OUT Param with TMyCommand

Posted: Sat 09 Jan 2021 15:57
by davor.TCS
Thank you for answer, but this does not solve my question on how to get OUT param with TMyCommand.

Re: Get OUT Param with TMyCommand

Posted: Mon 11 Jan 2021 19:18
by ViktorV
1. You will not be able to execute a query like 'select * from: param' because MySQL server does not allow specifying a table name as a parameter. Therefore, such a request will generate an error both in the TMyCommand component and in TMyQuery.
To solve your task, you can use Macros. For example:

Code: Select all

  TableName: string;
  MyQuery.SQL.Text: = 'select * from (&TableName)';
  TableName: = 'Dept';
  MyQuery.MacroByName ('TableName'). Value: = TableName;
You can learn more about Macros at:
2. When executing the SELECT ... INTO variables statement, the MySQL server does not automatically return the values ​​of the variables. You can verify this by running the queries you have provided using the standard means, for example, mysql.exe Command-Line Client.
To get their values, you should run a query like SELECT @Var; and in this case the server will return a string. As written in the MyDAC documentation ... ommand.htm - A component for execution of SQL statements and stored procedures which do not return rowsets - therefore you cannot use this component for solving the problem. you should use the TMyQuery component.

Re: Get OUT Param with TMyCommand

Posted: Wed 13 Jan 2021 11:52
by davor.TCS
Thank you and @davidmarcus for responces, I finally used TMyQuery with defined field MyRecNo as Float.

In TMyQuery as SQL now I have this:
SELECT SUM(table_count.MyNumber) AS TblRecNo
(SELECT COUNT(*) AS MyNumber FROM &TblName1 UNION ALL SELECT COUNT(*) AS MyNumber FROM &TblName2 ) table_count;
In Delphi now I have (DM.GetRecCount is now TMyQuery):
DM.GetRecCount.MacroByName('TblName1').Value:='EventsTbl'; //<- if you do AsString it will be quoted!

Re: Get OUT Param with TMyCommand

Posted: Fri 15 Jan 2021 09:06
by ViktorV
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