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Cannot Compile Mysqldac for Macos, ever!

Posted: Mon 22 Jul 2019 12:14
by markofzaaz
Has ANYONE ever been able to get MySqlDac c++ builder app to compile for Macos?

I can get lots of others to work, but as soon as a MyConnection is dropped on a form and I try to compile it simply doesn't work, either fails to link, or lots of errors in time.h and zlib?

I am using C++ Builder Rio 10.3.1 with mysqldac 9.3.9
Mac is running Xcode 9.4.1 with Macos10.3sdk

Re: Cannot Compile Mysqldac for Macos, ever!

Posted: Mon 22 Jul 2019 13:52
by ViktorV
While investigating, we have found out, that the problem is not related to UniDAC, it was a bug in RAD Studio 10.3 RIO. We have registered bugs in Embarcadero QualityCentral:;;
You can leave comments concerning bugs in the topic via the provided link for faster issue solution.

Re: Cannot Compile Mysqldac for Macos, ever!

Posted: Mon 22 Jul 2019 16:49
by markofzaaz
Can you advise how to use it with C++ Builder 10.2.Update 3 ?

MyDac Version 9.4.10

Paserver19 running on Macbook Air
Mojave 10.14.5

I simply drop a MyConnection object on the form and build get lots of errors

[xlink.exe Error] Error: Unresolved external 'System::Zlib::deflateInit_(System::Zlib::z_stream&, int, char *, int)' referenced from C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\EMBARCADERO\STUDIO\19.0\LIB\OSX32\RELEASE\DAC250.A|MemUtils.o

Re: Cannot Compile Mysqldac for Macos, ever!

Posted: Tue 23 Jul 2019 05:24
by ViktorV
This problem occurs due to incorrect usage of the zlib library by С++ Builder. Unfortunately, we cannot influence it. We posted this bug to Embarcadero Quality Central here:
As a workaround, try unchecking the options
[Packages] -> "Link with runtime packages"
[C++ Linker] -> "Link with dynamic RTL" .
Also, rem the line in the System.ZLib.hpp unit:
static const System::WideChar _PU = (System::WideChar)(0x5f);

You can check this by creating an empty project and adding a link to ZLib, for this, add the dependency #include "System.ZLib.hpp" to the Unit1.h module. And compile a project for Mac OS X.

Re: Cannot Compile Mysqldac for Macos, ever!

Posted: Fri 26 Jul 2019 10:41
by markofzaaz
Do you know if the issue has been resolved via 10.3.2 just released? Embarcadero servers been down so can't check on anything at all.

Re: Cannot Compile Mysqldac for Macos, ever!

Posted: Tue 30 Jul 2019 14:37
by Stellar
The issue that occured when compiling a project with the connected ZLib library has not been resolved in С++ Builder 10.3 Update 2.

Re: Cannot Compile Mysqldac for Macos, ever!

Posted: Fri 09 Aug 2019 15:03
by markofzaaz
What exactly is the ZLib library package then? Does this exist in ios too?

Re: Cannot Compile Mysqldac for Macos, ever!

Posted: Tue 13 Aug 2019 09:30
by ViktorV
We haven't identified such issue during testing on iOS platform.