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MyConnectionConnectionLost - inserts last records when rmReconnect

Posted: Wed 05 Jun 2019 08:05
by starhu

Although I use the following event, the program still inserts last records again at reconnect.
What can I do to prevent it? Thank you!

procedure TAdatForm.MyConnectionConnectionLost(Sender: TObject;
Component: TComponent; ConnLostCause: TConnLostCause;
var RetryMode: TRetryMode);
RetryMode := rmReconnect; // rmReconnect,rmReconnectExecute,rmRaise

Re: MyConnectionConnectionLost - inserts last records when rmReconnect

Posted: Thu 06 Jun 2019 14:28
by ViktorV
Unfortunately, we can't reproduce the issue.
Could you please try to reproduce it in our FailOver demo project and let us know the results? You can find this project in the: %MyDACDemos%\Miscellaneous\FailOver folder, where %MyDACDemos% is the path to MyDAC Demo projects on your computer.
If the issue persists, please describe the steps we need to take to reproduce it on our FailOver demo example.