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Trial Version (Again)

Posted: Sun 24 Jul 2005 14:18
by John Bell
i am trying to test using your mydac components
and am getting all sort of errors - now it is looking
for what can i do to test your software?

Still More Problems

Posted: Sun 24 Jul 2005 14:40
by John Bell
if i create a project with just a form and nothing on the form, I can run this (thanks for small favors). If i add MyConnection to it, and do not configure, i can run and when I close, i usually end up in the CPU trace or I get runtime error 216. if this is just a problem with the trial version, give me a 30-day money back guarantee on the product and i will be happy to buy it. thanks

Posted: Tue 26 Jul 2005 07:41
by Ikar
Most likely it is an error of trial protection. Please send a complete sample and we can give you exact answer. Also specify the exact IDE version and your OS version.