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How to use parent's externalID for upinsert operations on Salesforce objects that have child objects

Posted: Wed 07 Mar 2018 00:16
We are looking for an approach that allow us to exclusively use the External Ids instead of having to retrieve the Salesforce object Ids before we can do the upinsert operation. Could you please help indicating how to accomplish this using the Salesforce SSIS Data flow Components?

Below you find some background info:
For the Salesforce objects we are populating with data, all of them have an External ID field that is being used.The External ID is generated by the source table. We are doing upinsert operations on Salesforce objects that have child objects. We would like to exclusively use the External ID of the parent object when creating the child objects.

For example, the default Salesforce object Opportunity can have one or more OpportunityLineItems. A OpportunityLineItem has a a foreign key relationship to Opportunity. On the Opportunity we have a custom field EID__c.

If we were to insert new OpportunityLineItem objects, within the Devart Salesforce Destination component, and we have the Opportunity Ids, we can map the Opportunity Id (as the input column) to the OpportunityId destination column which is already exposed as a field. Instead, we would like to leverage the relationship that exists between the Opportunity and OpportunityLineItem. We would like to map the External Id (EID__c) of the opportunity (as an input column) to the Opportunity.EID__c (as the destination column).

Re: How to use parent's externalID for upinsert operations on Salesforce objects that have child objects

Posted: Wed 07 Mar 2018 19:09
by Shalex
Please refer to viewtopic.php?t=36569. Does this help?