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Retrieve data notification

Posted: Wed 06 Jan 2016 17:09
by Oky
when retrieving the schema from the Dynamics CRM, I get a message: Retrieving Column metadata.
I see a progress bar and the background entities gain plus signs to assure me everything is fine.
I want to be able to cancel this message once the entity I am interested in has been read.
it will be more informative to refresh the message with the currently entity being loaded.

Re: Retrieve data notification

Posted: Thu 21 Apr 2016 15:35
by Pinturiccio
Sorry for the late response.

We have changed the behaviour: now the schema metadata is not read for all the objects in the Source component editor immediately after assigning a connection; instead the schema metadata is read only for an object after it is selected.

We will post here when the corresponding build of SSIS Data Flow Components is available for download.