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Execute Unicoded statements

Posted: Sat 05 May 2007 13:34
by havezet
My project currently uses your dbExpress SQLServer driver on Delphi 7. However, we are now in the process of migrating our project to Unicode and on D7 the SQLExpress engine in not Unicoded. So I am now trying your direct OleDB drivers for SQLServer which should be fully Unicode aware. I can confirm that reading data from nvarchar fields do in fact return correctly, which is great.

My project never uses Parameters but only direct SQL statements. That is done to allow easy re-use of out database module for different database systems. The issue however is that I can specify Unicoded parameters for a MSQuery component, but I can not enter a direct query in Unicode format because the SQL property seem to be defined as TStrings.

Do you have a solution for me so that I can enter statements as wide strings? I hope you do so I can purchase and continue the project.



Posted: Mon 07 May 2007 14:34
by Jackson
Unfortunately SDAC doesn't support such functionality as its main components are descendants of the TDataSet class which has no complete Unicode support.
We have in plans to support this functionality in next versions of SDAC.