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ParamData LOST after MIgration with SDAC (DELPHI XE6)

Posted: Thu 21 Aug 2014 10:36
by wpk

we have bought your Product and are using the Migation Wizard in Delphi XE6 in order to convert a lot of old BDE Code. (we want to use MS SQL Server 2014)

The problem is, that the migration wizard does not migrate everything and this is a big problem for us as we cannot manually add the missing code. (We have thousands of lines!)

An example:

This is how the old DFM Code looked like in the BDE World...:

Code: Select all

object SP_SAMPLE: TwwStoredProc
    DatabaseName = 'DBSAMPLE'
    SessionName = 'Default'
    StoredProcName = 'dbo.sp_SAMPLE;1'
    ValidateWithMask = True
    Left = 56
    Top = 448
    ParamData = <
        DataType = ftInteger
        Name = 'Result'
        ParamType = ptResult
        Value = 0
        DataType = ftInteger
        Name = '@stat'
        ParamType = ptInput
        Value = 1
    object SP_SAMPLE1: TStringField
      DisplayWidth = 132
      FieldName = 'Person'
      Size = 132
    object SP_SAMPLE2: TStringField
      DisplayWidth = 10
      FieldName = 'ZielZimmer'
      Size = 10
    object SP_SAMPLE3: TIntegerField
      FieldName = 'id'
      Visible = False

... and this is what the Wizard made...

Code: Select all

 object SP_SAPLE: TMSStoredProc
    StoredProcName = 'dbo.sp_SAMPLE;1'
    Left = 56
    Top = 448
    object SP_SAMPLE1: TStringField
      DisplayWidth = 132
      FieldName = 'Person'
      Size = 132
    object SP_SAMPLE2: TStringField
      DisplayWidth = 10
      FieldName = 'ZielZimmer'
      Size = 10
    object SP_SAMPLE3: TIntegerField
      FieldName = 'id'
      Visible = False

So as you can see, all Parameters are gone and especially some predefined parameter values are gone as well so the semantics of our program is not the same!!

We are using the SDAC Migration Version 6.10.21 (latest as per today) and this is basically useless for us.

What do you propose? As we are not sure whether other components are affected as well, it is not so easy for us to decide whether we can use the migration wizard anyway...

Best Regards
Sebastian Scholz

Re: ParamData LOST after MIgration with SDAC (DELPHI XE6)

Posted: Fri 22 Aug 2014 07:48
by azyk
Thank you for the information. We have fixed this problem. This fix will be included in the next SDAC build.

If you want to get this fix, provide your e-mail address and license number to andreyz*devart*com and we will send you a custom build.