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Store empty data (not NULL) to TBlobField

Posted: Fri 02 Aug 2013 13:00
by Ludek
Hello, i do I store empty data in a database using SDAC & TBlobField?
so that the db field gets the same contents as after

update table set imagefield = ''

select table must then return just


I tried:
.Clear, .LoadFromStream with empty stream, AsString := '', .asvariant := varArrayOf([])

without any success. everything produces NULL instead of 0x.

What is the right way to store the required value to a TBlobField?

Thanks, Ludek.

Re: Store empty data (not NULL) to TBlobField

Posted: Mon 05 Aug 2013 08:43
by AndreyZ

We know about this problem. We will try to fix this problem in one of the next SDAC builds.