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Problem with OLEDBAccess.CreateUniqueFieldName

Posted: Tue 08 Jun 2010 11:14
by tonisanta
I've a problem with queries where no fieldname was specified for calculated fields. With latest update of SDAC (480_058) you changed the CreateUniqueFieldName adding two '_' in front of the name (ex. __COLUMN1). Since in reports and queries this fields are accessed through fieldByName('COLUMNxx') this part of code now raises errors. Was there a reason to change this behaviour? Would it be possibile to solve this through a property on the TMSQuery (something like UniqueFieldNamePrefix)? In the meantime I will change the OLEDBAccess to return to previous behavior, otherwise I've problems with my customers.
Best regards
Toni Santa

Posted: Tue 08 Jun 2010 12:25
by Dimon
Thank you for your inquiry. We will fix this problem. This fix will be included in the next SDAC build.