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AV using sp_attach_db with more than 1 file

Posted: Wed 11 Jun 2008 09:11
by formi
Executing the following SQL raises an access violation:

sp_attach_db "MyDBname", "c:\MyPath\MyFile.mdf", "c:\MyPath\MyFile_log.ldf"

with only one file it works.

The error occurs on this line in oledbaccess.pas:

function TOLEDBRecordSet.GetIRowset: IRowset;
Result := FIRowset;

Please help, Peter

Posted: Thu 12 Jun 2008 07:24
by Antaeus
I could not reproduce the problem with the latest SDAC version.
Please send me a complete small sample at sdac*crlab*com to demonstrate it.

Also supply the following information:
- the exact version of SDAC. You can see it in the About sheet of TMSConnection Editor;
- the exact version of your IDE;
- the exact version of SQL server and client. You can see it in the Info sheet of TMSConnection Editor.