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bpc Headers using -F

Posted: Thu 08 May 2008 16:03
by tweaker
I'm trying to figure out the why my bpc command to insert headers isn't working properly. Here's what I have.

bcp "SELECT (setname + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX), number)) as mergeData, sellprice, sellprice FROM c WHERE isfoil=0" queryout m:\regularprices.txt -U beta -P gettowork -S tcp:\SQLEXPRESS,14430 -c -C ACP -t , -F "Product code, Price, List price"

The error I get is:

The -F flag must be followed by a positive integer.
'Product code, Price, List price' is not a legal positive integer.

What's the proper syntax to getting the header to read Product code, Price, List price?

Thanks for the help!

Posted: Mon 12 May 2008 06:28
by Antaeus
It looks like this question does not concern SDAC. For more information about the bcp utility please see SQL Server Book Online.
Feel free to contact us if you have any SDAC-related questions.