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Mailchimp - Unsubscribe function

Posted: Mon 26 Mar 2018 15:05
by nicolas.maheu

When I try to change the status of a subscriber to unsubscribe it says : the data source does not support changing values for the column "status".

Is there another way to unsubscribe a user from a list?

Thank you,

Re: Mailchimp - Unsubscribe function

Posted: Thu 29 Mar 2018 16:19
by Pinturiccio
There is no possibility to change the Status value in MailChimp API v2. You can use API v3 in Excel Add-in for MailChimp and change Status value for ListMembers.
For using API Version V3 you need to edit your MailChimp Connection and click the Advanced button. The first parameter is "API Version". Change it value to v3.