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Auto Posting

Posted: Tue 07 Jul 2015 11:48
by Malc123
Can I get the add in to post at a timed interval automatically


Malcolm Laws

Re: Auto Posting

Posted: Tue 07 Jul 2015 16:54
by Pinturiccio
Please describe what you want in more details. Please also tell us which database or cloud source you use.

Re: Auto Posting

Posted: Wed 08 Jul 2015 08:42
by Malc123
I have an Excel workbook that is reading data from an OPC source. The data is manipulated in the workbook with an add in that calculates energy/steam usage.

I have two cells that are populated that at present are imported into SQL server by copying the file to the server and using SSIS to import into SQL at midnight each day with a time stamp.

I would just like those two readings to be writing to a table but saving the values through out the day with out pressing the commit button. The Excel sheet is open and updating 24hours a day.



Re: Auto Posting

Posted: Wed 08 Jul 2015 13:13
by Pinturiccio
If we understand you correctly, you want to commit changes made in Excel to SQL Server automatically by a timer after specified intervals without clicking Commit.

We can add an option for automatic commit after you edit data in a cell and press [Enter] or move to another cell without clicking Commit. Is this solution suitable for you?

Re: Auto Posting

Posted: Wed 08 Jul 2015 13:56
by Malc123
Thank you for your reply.

Sorry I'll try and clear up the data entry. This is an unattended workbook, nobody is actually entering the data. The data is coming in externally form process machines and updating the spreadsheet. I just was hoping that I could just have the data committed by a timer say every hour or whatever is chosen. A bit like you can record a macro to auto save the workbook



Re: Auto Posting

Posted: Fri 10 Jul 2015 13:57
by Pinturiccio
We will investigate the issue and post here about the results as soon as possible.