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Devart ODBC Driver for PostgreSQL - Access violation calling SP

Posted: Fri 26 Mar 2021 19:06
by gwold
I can successfully run a SELECT query against a table in my PostgreSQL database, but when I call a stored procedure (that also hits that same table) I get an access violation on SQLExecDirect:

Code: Select all

[Devart][ODBC][PostgreSQL]Access violation at address 004071CB in module 'DevartODBCPostgreSQL.dll'. Read of address 00B8FD17
Why's the SP call having an issue, please?

Re: Devart ODBC Driver for PostgreSQL - Access violation calling SP

Posted: Mon 29 Mar 2021 17:00
by gwold
Expanding on this, here's the statement I'm using:

Code: Select all

CALL app_lock_set(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
The first four parameters are input/output; the remainder are input. All are bound (SQLBindParameter), then SQLExecDirect is called, triggering the access violation.

This same C++ code (VS 2013 running on Windows Server 2012) executes the SP call successfully using the psqlODBC driver.

I've also captured the SQL trace, if that'd be of any help.

Re: Devart ODBC Driver for PostgreSQL - Access violation calling SP

Posted: Thu 01 Apr 2021 12:45
by oleg0k
Unfortunately, this information is not enough to reproduce the issue. We need a sample project that demonstrates the incorrect behavior, as well as your DDL scripts for creating and populating the database objects.
Please send them through the form on our website:

wbr, Oleg
Devart Team

Re: Devart ODBC Driver for PostgreSQL - Access violation calling SP

Posted: Thu 01 Apr 2021 16:10
by gwold
Files sent via your contact form.