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SQL error code = -303

Posted: Wed 06 May 2020 14:21
by unisigns
Hello DevArt Team,

we purchased your „ODBC Driver for InterBase Desktop for Windows License“ to connect to a InterBase DB over PHP.

The driver worked very well off the start, and we were able to access the database and write into it. However, we found that we can’t write into any fields that have a BLOB data type, as we receive the following error:

Warning: odbc_execute(): SQL error: [Devart][ODBC][InterBase]Dynamic SQL Error
SQL error code = -303
feature is not supported
BLOB and array data types are not supported for move operation, SQL state S1000 in SQLExecute in C:\xampp\htdocs\action\updateBlob.php on line 12

Is this not supported by the driver, as it tells in the error message, or is there any other way to update a BLOB field in the database?

Kind regards,

Re: SQL error code = -303

Posted: Mon 18 May 2020 09:21
by oleg0k
Thank you for the information. We've reproduced the issue and are currently working to resolve it. We'll keep you updated on the progress.

wbr, Oleg
Devart Team