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bigcommerce odbc error creating linked server in SSMS 2017

Posted: Tue 20 Mar 2018 00:04
by tfsmag
The OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "BIGCOMMERCE" reported an error. Access denied.
Cannot obtain the required interface ("IID_IDBSchemaRowset") from OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "BIGCOMMERCE". (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 7399)

I unchecked 'Allow inprocess' for MSDASQL. If I use windows authentication to connect to my local sql server, it gives me the above error. If I use SQL auth then it tells me that it can't connect, gives me this message.

The linked server has been created but failed a connection test. Do you want to keep the linked server?

An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)

Cannot create an instance of OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "BIGCOMMERCE". (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 7302)

I'd really like to test this to help us out with an ecommerce migration to bigcommerce. The SQL instance I have locally is sql 2012 express.

Re: bigcommerce odbc error creating linked server in SSMS 2017

Posted: Tue 20 Mar 2018 15:46
by MaximG
Please, use SQL Server Authentication instead of Windows Authentication and try running NT SERVICE\MSSQLSERVER under your Windows user name