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Re: Could not load file or assembly

Posted: Thu 28 Aug 2014 12:21
by MariiaI
Please refer to "Profiling ORMs" section in the LINQ Insight documentation.
The LINQ Insight documentation is currently available with the LINQ Insight installation package (the "Help" component should have been selected when installing):
1) Start menu-> Devart LINQ Insight-> LINQ Insight Documentation
2) C:\Program Files (x86)\Devart\LINQ Insight\LinqInsight.chm

Please take a look at our documentation and tell us if this helps.

Re: Could not load file or assembly

Posted: Thu 28 Aug 2014 13:56
by hepek
I followed the documentation but still no luck.

I have a web app. I do as suggested:
(Note: to use LINQ Profile when developing a web project, before starting Profiler session, make sure that the web server is not running. If it is running, stop it, click the "Start Profiler Session" button, and run your application; otherwise, no information will be obtained.)

but events and queries in profiler are all blank. no data recorded.
what am I doing wrong?


Re: Could not load file or assembly

Posted: Fri 29 Aug 2014 08:56
by MariiaI
The possible reasons are:
1) the issue related to Visual Studio 2012/2013 peculiarity and its debugger; you can try clearing the following check boxes in your project properties, the Debug tab:
- Enable native code debugging
- Enable SQL Server debugging

2) the issue with Visual Studio with the enabled IntelliTrace; you can try disabling it (open Tools-> Options-> IntelliTrace and clear the "Enable IntelliTrace" check box).

Please tell us if this information helps.

Re: Could not load file or assembly

Posted: Fri 29 Aug 2014 13:59
by hepek
I did as you suggested but still no luck.

let me make sure I am doing the right thing:
1. open IIS manager and stop the server
2. open Visual Studio, open Linq Profiler window
3. click on "start profiler session" button
4. in IIS Manager, click start (server)
5. run my web application and visit few pages
6. close my application (stop debugging)
7. the Linq Profiler window is blank
8. I click on "stop profiler session" button
9. the Linq Profiler window is still blank

my project is a web application, I have Visual studio 2012 Ultimate, and I use oracle database

thank you

Re: Could not load file or assembly

Posted: Mon 01 Sep 2014 11:18
by MariiaI
4. in IIS Manager, click start (server)
LINQ Profiler works with the Visual Studio Development Server and Local IIS Web Server, in case when they are initiated by the Visual Studio.
We are investigating the possibility of attaching to the IIS Server if it's running out of the Visual Studio. We will inform you when any results are available.

Re: Could not load file or assembly

Posted: Tue 02 Sep 2014 13:41
by hepek
thank you