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Sorting Projects in the drop down

Posted: Wed 06 May 2015 18:34
by ingle

Is there any way to sort the projects in the list?

We have added about 40~ projects to the list and it looks like it is sorted based on when they were created. Is there anyway to get it sorted alphabetically or to readjust the sort order?


Re: Sorting Projects in the drop down

Posted: Thu 07 May 2015 14:44
by AlexeyN
I created the task to make alphabetical projects order. It will be available in the next public build. Thank you.

Re: Sorting Projects in the drop down

Posted: Mon 11 May 2015 15:05
by ingle
Thank you!

Re: Sorting Projects in the drop down

Posted: Tue 28 Jul 2015 14:54
by ingle

Just curious when is the ETA of the next build.

The sorting I'm referring to is in the drop down or when you select "Start New Review" to choose the project.


Re: Sorting Projects in the drop down

Posted: Mon 03 Aug 2015 10:18
by AlexeyN

Recently, we released a new build where projects are sorted in the drop down, but not in the "Start New Review" dialog.