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Cannot add comment to source code

Posted: Fri 09 Jan 2015 12:29
by ndcverint

I have just migrated a Review Assistant server to a different machine. While migrating I have also changed the user list, from Review Assistant account to active directory. The project membership has also been updated, the review assistant accounts removed and the active directory accounts added.

After the migration whenever I highlight a text in the source code and from the context menu select 'Add Review Comment', I got the following error:

Cannot add comment to this document.
You are not a member of the ... project.

What is wrong with my set up?

Re: Cannot add comment to source code

Posted: Wed 18 Feb 2015 10:03
by darrenm
I've just had the same issue with a project I was reviewing, most confusing when I am the project owner :|

I did however find a solution, for me it was that the Working Directory in the project setup was not mapped to my source directory, change it all works now.

Hope this helps

Re: Cannot add comment to source code

Posted: Thu 18 Jun 2015 14:30
by eric.johnson
This is still an issue. darrenm's solution is correct, but it would be nice if the error message was similar to the message you get when you try to open the working version of a file from the file list when the working directory is not set up: "You are trying to open a file that is not checked out to the working copy."

Re: Cannot add comment to source code

Posted: Fri 26 Jun 2015 12:02
by AlexeyN
I have wrote the task to change the error text. Thank you.