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Direct mode - 2 questions

Posted: Thu 28 Sep 2017 12:14
by ProvalisResearch

I have the latest version (3.1.3).

There is no size difference in my application whether I set Direct mode to True or False. Is there a way, by setting Direct mode to False (the default), to remove the embedded code and make my application smaller?

If I switch Direct mode to True, my queries are massively longer. Is this normal?

Thank you for your time.


Re: Direct mode - 2 questions

Posted: Fri 29 Sep 2017 05:39
by MaximG
1. If it is necessary (when there is no need to use the Direct Mode) the client library code cannot be included in the finished application, thus reducing its size. This question is discussed in detail in our blog: ... nidac.html
2. Please compose and send us a small application demonstrating speed difference, as well as the SQLite database file used in this sample. For this, you can use the e-support form ( the "Support"\"Request Support" menu)