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Encryption Not Supported on Mac OSX ??

Posted: Wed 02 Jan 2013 11:13
by DespatchSystems

One of the new features of v3.01 is built in Encryption support which is great new feature that really makes your driver better than the free SQLite driver now included in Delphi XE3.

Can you confirm whether this feature works or not on Mac OSX??

It looks like you need to use Direct Mode to get encryption to work, but you have now confirmed that direct mode does not work on Mac OSX.

Have I got this right, encryption is not supported on the Mac with your driver?

If it is not supported, do you have future plans to add this in? It really is needed, it would increase you sales compared to the standard free Delphi XE3 offering.

I am hoping that you also include encryption on your road map plans for iOS and Android when Embarcadero release mobile studio.



Re: Encryption Not Supported on Mac OSX ??

Posted: Wed 02 Jan 2013 12:15
by AlexP

Currently the Direct mode and the internal encryption are supported only in applications under Win32, we are planning to implement these features for other platforms in the future.