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deployment application

Posted: Tue 24 Jul 2012 09:46
by Thierry0726

When we deploy the final application, which dll must be installed ?
dbexpsqlite.dll or dbexpsqlite40.dll ?
What is the difference between these two Dll ?
Can we integrate this DLL into the exe ( by linking option ? )
( i'm using XE Builder C++ update 4 )

Re: deployment application

Posted: Tue 24 Jul 2012 10:37
by AlexP

The number in DLL is not related to the dbExpress driver itself, this number states for the Delphi versions, for which this library is assigned.

dbexpsqlite.dll: since Delphi 5 to Delphi 7
dbexpsqlite30.dll: since Delphi 2005 to Delphi 2006
dbexpsqlite40.dll: since Delphi 2007 to the latest existent version of Delphi XE2.

If you have the version of dbExpress driver for SQLite with source code, you can build our *.dll into your application. You can learn how to do this in the ReadMeSrc.txt file.

Re: deployment application

Posted: Tue 24 Jul 2012 11:06
by Thierry0726
Ok, thanks !
so i must use dbexpsqlite40.dll even if it's builder c++ ( not delphi )
But i have a problem when i try do deploy my application with myapp.exe, sqlite3.dll and dbexpsqlite40.dll ( in the same folder )
there is this error who appeared :

Where is the problem ?

Re: deployment application

Posted: Tue 24 Jul 2012 11:45
by AlexP

Yes, you should use dbexpsqlite40.dll

I cannot reproduce the problem.
Please specify the following information:
the exact version of dbExpress driver for SQLite
the exact version of your IDE;
the version of Windows

Re: deployment application

Posted: Wed 25 Jul 2012 06:50
by Thierry0726
- ok, it works now.
there is two dbexpsqlite40.dll on my computer with the same version ( ) but different size :
one is 327 ko and the other is 2 017 ko, what's the difference ?

i have tried with the 327 ko and it works fine.

- i have bought the licence without source code, how much is it more for the licence with source code ?

Thanks for your help.

Re: deployment application

Posted: Wed 25 Jul 2012 10:26
by AlexP

Since there appeared a capability to develop 64-bit applications since RadStudio XE2, then there are libraries for 32-bit and 64-bit OSs included in our dbExpress drivers. Therefore, depending on which kind of application you develop (x64 or x86), you should supply the corresponding dbexpsqlite40.dll library.
You can see the prices for different editions at