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Hide Identical files in folder compare

Posted: Thu 26 Apr 2012 15:49
by jrandall
I find that when I set the options to Ignore whitespace for file compare and Hide identical files for folder compare I still get files showing up in the folder compare that have only differences in whitespace.

When I click on the file in folder compare to bring up a file compare the files are indeed identical. I can see that whitespace is not marked as a difference.

I would rather not have the folder compare show any files that have only whitespace as a difference.

Is there a way to do this?


Posted: Fri 27 Apr 2012 09:09
by Artem
You should switch to rules-based comparison and check the "Ignore whitespaces" option. You can do this in Comparisons Options of an individual Folder Compare document (corresponding button on the Code Compare toolbar, the Comparison page) or in global options (Tools -> Options -> Code Compare -> Folder -> Comparison).

Re: Hide Identical files in folder compare

Posted: Tue 22 May 2012 20:54
by jrandall
Thanks, that worked. I knew there had to be a way...

I just had to restart Code Compare and compare the folders again. I suppose that changing that doesn't take effect until restarting the application.

Posted: Wed 23 May 2012 09:23
by Artem
Global options take effect in newly open comparisons only. But yoy can change options of an individual comparison that is already opened.