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Runtime Error

Posted: Tue 22 Jun 2010 12:04
by zka
Windowx XP SP3 Pro Eng x86
Visual Studio 2010 Premium full
CodeCompare v1.00.10

I received the following window:

"CodeMerge.exe - .NET Framework Initialization Error"
Unable to find a version of runtime to run this application.

What should I do?

Posted: Tue 22 Jun 2010 13:19
by Artem
The current version of CodeCompare requires .NET Framework 2.0 to be installed.

Posted: Tue 22 Jun 2010 15:33
by zka
It was run only after installation .NET Framework 3.0

Posted: Wed 23 Jun 2010 09:22
by python
I have 2008 and 2010 installed, both with Resharper 5.0. It crashes 2008. The installation was bugfree, but if i try to use the CodeCompare (click 'new compare' button) it crashes the 2008. Any suggestions?

Posted: Wed 23 Jun 2010 09:25
by python
By the way, you forum enginee shows me something like "'register.tmpl' not found" if i was not logged in and clicked "new topic" or "post reply" :)

Posted: Wed 23 Jun 2010 11:52
by zka
Many thanks for excellent product.

The my problem has solved. Has found out that VS 2010 sets only .NET 4.0. On pure WinXPProSP3 .NET isn't present. Because of it there was error. It was necessary to instal .NET 2.0 or .NET 3.0.

Please write in the CodeCompare requirement, that is necessary .NET 2.0.

Posted: Wed 23 Jun 2010 13:37
by Artem
python wrote:I have 2008 and 2010 installed, both with Resharper 5.0. It crashes 2008. The installation was bugfree, but if i try to use the CodeCompare (click 'new compare' button) it crashes the 2008. Any suggestions?
Try to switch "Use enhanced scrollbars" off. This option can conflict with Resharper.

To access CodeCompare options, go to the Tools->Options main menu in Visual Studio and select the CodeCompare node.

Posted: Thu 24 Jun 2010 09:51
by python
Artem wrote: Try to switch "Use enhanced scrollbars" off. This option can conflict with Resharper.

To access CodeCompare options, go to the Tools->Options main menu in Visual Studio and select the CodeCompare node.
It has worked for me! Thank you. But VS 2008 still crashes until i restart it after option changes. And it was not related to Source control (TFS in my case). I've just opened any .cs file and clicked the "New Comparison" tool button or "Compare Current Document".

Another reason why i not still switched from winmerge:
If i try to compare the TFS file versions i get annoying message box "File doesn't exist".


My configuration: Windows 7 x64, VS 2008, CodeCompare 1.0.11 and TFS 2008 with user tools configured like described on you web site:
CodeCompare 1.0.11
C:\Program Files (x86)\Devart\CodeCompare\CodeComp.exe SC=TFS /T1=%6 /T2=%7 %1 %2
C:\Program Files (x86)\Devart\CodeCompare\CodeMerge.exe /TF=%1 /MF=%2 /RF=%4 /BF=%3 /TT=%6 /MT=%7 /SC=TFS
Have you any logging system to show which file was not found?

Posted: Thu 24 Jun 2010 10:54
by Artem
Unfortunally, as for today, not found files are not logged.
But in your case the error occurs because you miss slash before /SC argument

Posted: Thu 24 Jun 2010 13:07
by python
Artem wrote:you miss slash before /SC argument
Thank you again - it works now.