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Cannot apply change in PostgreSQL from C++

Posted: Mon 14 Jan 2013 20:46
by Carmichael_fr

My configuration :
- Windows 7 SP1
- Embarcadero C++ XE3
- Devart dbExpress for PostgreSQL

My projet :
Before buy your product (and pay it!), i would like to test your "dbExpress for Postgres" drivers.

I make a small application in C++ 32 bits.
I would like to show, in a TBDGrid, a table. I want to modify the values in the Grid, and the values must be modified in the Postgresql database.
No warning in the compilation, but when i modify a value in the Grid, the modification is not set in the Database.

Some Details : the projet use some simple componants :
- TSQLConnection1 with the propertie : Driver = DevartPostgreSQL
- TSimpledataSet1 with the propertie : Connection = TSQLConnection1, ReadOnly = false
- TDataSource1 with the propertie : DataSet = TSimpleDataSet1
- TDbGrid1 with the propertie : DataSource = TDataSource1

After any update of in the Grid, i click on a TButton with the code :

I made the same projet with Oracle, it works well.
Do you have any idea ?
Is ti possible to activate logs in Devart dbExpress for Postgres ?

Best Regards


Re: Cannot apply change in PostgreSQL from C++

Posted: Tue 15 Jan 2013 09:08
by AlexP

The following sample demonstrates updating data using SimpleDataSet in C++Builder. Paste the needed parameters and run this code. After the execution, data must change in the table.

Code: Select all

	TSQLConnection *SQLConnection = new TSQLConnection(NULL);
		SQLConnection->ConnectionName = "Devart PostgreSQL";
		SQLConnection->DriverName = "DevartPostgreSQL";
		SQLConnection->Params->Values["HostName"] = "host:port";
		SQLConnection->Params->Values["DataBase"] = "database";
		SQLConnection->Params->Values["User_Name"] = "login";
		SQLConnection->Params->Values["Password"] = "password";
		SQLConnection->LoginPrompt = False;
		SQLConnection->Connected = True;
		TSimpleDataSet *SimpleDataSet = new TSimpleDataSet(NULL);
			SimpleDataSet->Connection = SQLConnection;
			SimpleDataSet->DataSet->CommandType = ctTable;
			SimpleDataSet->DataSet->CommandText = "table";
			SimpleDataSet->Active = True;
			SimpleDataSet->FieldByName("field")->AsInteger = 1;

Re: Cannot apply change in PostgreSQL from C++

Posted: Tue 15 Jan 2013 20:20
by Carmichael_fr

Thanks for your response, your exemple is working.
But my question was a little different.

I would like to use a TBDGrid. I would like to modify my data into the Grid.
In this case, when i modify something in the grid, the modification is not send to the database Postgres.

Today, i add a connection to Oracle in my program.
the structure of the code is :
SQLConnectionPostgres -> SimpleDataSetPostgres -> DataSourcePostgres -> TDBGridPostgres and
SQLConnectionOracle -> SimpleDataSetOracle -> DataSourceOracle -> TDBGridOracle

Surprise ! It's working with Oracle, but not with Postgres.

The full text of the code is :
#include <vcl.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "FenPrincipale.h"
#pragma package(smart_init)
#pragma link "DbxDevartPostgreSQL"
#pragma link "DBXDevartOracle"
#pragma resource "*.dfm"
TFenetrePrincipale *FenetrePrincipale;
__fastcall TFenetrePrincipale::TFenetrePrincipale(TComponent* Owner): TForm(Owner)


void __fastcall TFenetrePrincipale::QuitterClick(TObject *Sender)
{ // Just before exit to windows.


void __fastcall TFenetrePrincipale::CommitPostgresClick(TObject *Sender)
{ // When i click on the Commit Postgres Button.

void __fastcall TFenetrePrincipale::CommitOracleClick(TObject *Sender)
{// When i click on the Commit Oracle Button.

May i suggest a little bug in the driver ?

Best regards

Re: Cannot apply change in PostgreSQL from C++

Posted: Wed 16 Jan 2013 09:17
by AlexP

Please send your sample demonstrating the problem to alexp*devart*com, since we still cannot reproduce the problem even using your code.

Re: Cannot apply change in PostgreSQL from C++

Posted: Thu 17 Jan 2013 13:46
by AlexP

I received your project, but the problem still cannot be reproduced even on it on the similar configuration (Win 7, PG 9.1 x64, XE 3, dbExpress Driver For PostgreSQL 3.1.2). Perhaps, a trigger is created for the edited table and doesn't allow data editing, or there is a limitation, etc.