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socket error 10061

Posted: Wed 28 Dec 2011 17:21
by robertoicardi

error in subject is what I see at every db operation. This error is visible only while debugging (directly launching the application the error is probably
trapped inside driver and not seen outside). Honestly today is the first time
I see this error...
Rather annoying, I ended up telling Delphi to ignore that exception class...
But I'd like to know where does come from...

My environment: Delphi 2006 and Postgres 8.3 last release of driver.


Posted: Thu 29 Dec 2011 07:32
by AndreyZ

If TSQLMonitor.Active is True and there is no DBMonitor running, the 'Socket error 10061' error is generated. You will see this error only if you run your application from IDE. You will not see this error when you run the executable file of your application. To solve the problem, you should set the TSQLMonitor.Active property to False.

Posted: Thu 29 Dec 2011 13:59
by robertoicardi
Thanks for the answer.. There's a sqlmonitor in my app, in fact, but I think it was inactive. I'll take a look..