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Cannot connect

Posted: Mon 17 Oct 2011 13:09
by ggroke
I am getting an error, I can't even compile a test.

Here's what's happening:

I create a new VCL form, and put a SQLConnection in it.

If I try to connect in design time, I get the error:
"Cannot connect to database. Socket error on connect. WSAGetLastError return 10061 ($274D)"

If I try to run this application, the error I get is:
"[DCC Fatal Error] DBXDevartPostgreSQL.pas(6): F1026 File not found: 'Datasnap.Midas.dcu' (unit scope "Datasnap" indicates Win64, OSX32, Win32 only)"

In the release notes from Embarcadero, it says the Datasnap.Midas.dcu file is in the /lib/platform directory, but it's not.

I am using the Delphi XE2 Starter Edition, in a Windows 7 64-bit.

Thanks in advance


Posted: Mon 24 Oct 2011 08:29
by AlexP

The Starter version of Delphi XE2 does not include dbExpress components and drivers, that's why you will not be able to use our dbExpress drivers in this Delphi version. You can view features available in this Delphi version at ... Matrix.pdf.

To work with PostgreSQL in the Starter version, you can use our products PgDAC and UniDAC.