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"Insufficent memory for this operation"

Posted: Thu 21 Jul 2011 14:35
by MarkGorst
I've got an app which has been tested on Server 2003, Vista and XP and working fine (no requirement for Win7) but I'm having an issue on Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition.

In each case it's a standalone single user, i.e. localhost database, devart driver, midas.dll and my exe.

I'm doing a selective load of data into an empty table and it fails with this popup message (the banner is "error occurred"). It occurs in exactly the same place in the data.

Each record is doing an myDataSet.ApplyUpdates(-1), after 11,110 records it suddenly decides I can't do "InsertRecord()". No exception is thrown so I can't handle the error.

Is this messge coming from the driver ?

I haven't seen anything about being restricted to certain versions of windows. I've no need to go prior to XP, but the customer wants to run on his servers....

It's quite happily loaded around 240,000 of these records on my humble desktop. They have around a dozen fields, nearly all short text strings (no blobs etc.)

Anyone seen this problem ?

Posted: Fri 22 Jul 2011 12:13
by AlexP

I tried to reproduce the problem on Windows Server 2008 x64, but when I inserted 200 000 records without any errors.
Please send your application and script to create the table to alexp*devart*com, and I'll try to reproduce the problem once more.

Posted: Fri 22 Jul 2011 13:20
by MarkGorst
Sorry - I can't do that it's client confidential data. I'll try and make a stripped down version with some dummy data and see if I can get that to fail.

Incidentally the customer has 32bit not 64. I think the message is coming from Windows and not your driver, but was wondering if you'd seen it.


Posted: Fri 22 Jul 2011 15:04
by MarkGorst
"good" news. I stripped down the app. it just loads random data, works fine on the machines it worked on, and fails on the Win server 2008 x32 machine - which is good news (sort of)

Sending you the appropriate bits



Posted: Fri 22 Jul 2011 15:04
by MarkGorst
"good" news. I stripped down the app. it just loads random data, works fine on the machines it worked on, and fails on the Win server 2008 x32 machine - which is good news (sort of)

Sending you the appropriate bits



Posted: Mon 25 Jul 2011 09:18
by AlexP

I've got your test application, but I still cannot reproduce the problem.
Please try to learn the amount of memory available on your client's machine and also check the amount of memory used by your application when inserting records.
If it turns out that there is not enough memory, you can reduce the amount of the needed memory by using parametrized Insert query instead of opening DataSet – it will significantly reduce the size of the needed memory.

Posted: Mon 25 Jul 2011 13:36
by MarkGorst

I'll get back to you on the RAM, it's "adequate". The machine is working as a big server and has way more memory than any of the other machines it has worked on.

I think the issue is one of Windows resources, what you have confirmed for me is that it should work on the Win Server 2008 and that I haven't done anything obviously wrong.



Posted: Mon 25 Jul 2011 16:58
by MarkGorst
8Gb. It's run quite happily on 2 and 4Gb machines. The entire file it's trying to load is only 45Mb at it falls over before it's reached 10%.

So the problem lies elsewhere. The customer is about to try it on another of his servers, so it may be a case of just ignoring that machine while we get the job done.

Thanks for your help.


Posted: Thu 28 Jul 2011 13:09
by AlexP

Please tell us about the results you got after your application was tested on other machines (if the error occurred).
P.S. I tested your application once more on all OSs – it works without errors.

Posted: Thu 28 Jul 2011 14:11
by MarkGorst
Thanks. I'm waiting for the client to set up his new server (OS unknown at the moment). I'll keep you posted, and post an explanation if I find one.

Many thanks for your help.

Posted: Tue 02 Aug 2011 11:25
by MarkGorst
Customer tried on a new server. No problems. So the problem must be machine configuration specific. I strongly believe the message is from Windows itself.

So we're ignoring that machine and moving on,

Posted: Tue 02 Aug 2011 11:36
by AlexP

Glad to see that the problem was solved. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us.