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Executing query when paginal mode is off does not return all records as it should

Posted: Mon 08 Aug 2022 12:05
by goran.genter
This is probably introduced in latest version.

When I select something and it has more than 1000 records and then turn off paginal mode I get for example 1054 records.
If I then again execute same query I get 301 records.

The only way to get proper results is to turn on paginal mode again and then off again.

Link to video of behaviour:

Re: Executing query when paginal mode is off does not return all records as it should

Posted: Mon 08 Aug 2022 13:54
by dzhanhira

Thanks for contacting us!

When the paginal mode is disabled, instead of 1000 records, it can show 302+, which means that the first 302 records are read in the finishing mode, and the + sign means that there are more of them, to read other data more than 302, you need to scroll the data in the grid or press ctrl + end.

Re: Executing query when paginal mode is off does not return all records as it should

Posted: Tue 09 Aug 2022 19:29
by goran.genter
I know that, but it doesn't work. It says 302+ when I turn off paginal mode. And when I scroll to the bottom it loads correctly.
But executing the same query again when paginal mode is off returns only 301 results. And there is no way to load more since paginal mode is turned off and nothing happens when scrolling to the bottom. Did you check my video?
It's easy to reproduce.

This worked correctly in previous versions because I use it often, and I immediately recognized that something is off.

Re: Executing query when paginal mode is off does not return all records as it should

Posted: Wed 10 Aug 2022 08:54
by dzhanhira

Kindly be informed that we are going to fix this issue in next official build.

Once it will be available for download, we inform you.