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Unable to load the specified metadata resource

Posted: Tue 21 Aug 2018 16:24
by tbconrad
So I recently upgraded to the latest version of Entity Developer 6.3.555. I have a project using the Salesforce Connector. I had no problems connecting to the Salesforce instance in the .net project and writing data prior to the upgrade. After the upgrade, I get the following message "Unable to load the specified metadata resource."

My Config entry for Devart.Data.Salesforce.Entity.EF6

Code: Select all

      <provider invariantName="Devart.Data.Salesforce" type="Devart.Data.Salesforce.Entity.SalesforceEntityProviderServices, Devart.Data.Salesforce.Entity.EF6, Version=3.3.570.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=09af7300eec23701" />
Existing Connection String that worked with previous versions

Code: Select all

    <add name="EFSalesforceContext" connectionString="metadata=res://EFSalesforce/EFSalesforce.csdl|res://EFSalesforce/EFSalesforce.ssdl|res://EFSalesforce/EFSalesforce.msl;provider=Devart.Data.Salesforce;provider connection string=&quot;User Id=username;Password=password;Security Token=token;Host=host;Deferred Login=False&quot;" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
Any thoughts?

Also, I might add that I have checked the "Rewrite Connection String during regeneration" checkbox but I get no new output in the app.config. it does update the .edps file

What I've tried;
  • Clean and Build
  • Deleting Obj folders on all projects and rebuilding
  • updating licenses through License Manager
  • Upgrading the Solution through the Upgrade Wizard
  • Changed Metadata Artifact Processing to "Copy to Output Directory"
  • Changed Metadata Artifact Processing to "Embed in Output Assembly"
  • Examined the .exe generated from Entity Developer and found the .csdl, .msl, and .ssdl resources do exist in the assembly
  • Changed //EFSalesforce/EFSalesforce.csdl and other references in the connection string to //*/EFSalesforce.csdl
  • Removed the connection string completely and tried to get Entity Developer to recreate. Nothing was created when I regenerated the code with Entity Developer.
  • Uninstalled the latest version and reinstalled. Got an error that Devart.Data version 5.0.1982.0 was found in the GAC. I searched the GAC and there is no such DLL there. Completed the reinstall and am still getting the same error Unable to load...

Re: Unable to load the specified metadata resource

Posted: Wed 22 Aug 2018 04:47
by tbconrad
I didn't find a solution to the specific problem but I was able to create a new solution with 2 projects, one for the salesforce context and one for a console test app. I was successful in connecting and retrieving data using these new projects.

Several odd things to note though. Using the same settings in Devart Entity Developer as the problem project, this time the output was a .dll with embedded resources rather than a .exe with embedded resources. The Devart Entity Developer still did not create a connection string in either of the project app config files. Neither did it create the proper entity framework providers, I had to add them manually. I also had to transfer the connection string from the broken solution to this one and it worked fine. I would say that this tool is rather lacking, unfortunately, but it can be made to work

Re: Unable to load the specified metadata resource

Posted: Wed 22 Aug 2018 19:04
by tbconrad
Well, the mystery continues. I replaced the original project with the verified new working project and the same behavior and error message is present. I have confirmed that all of the Devart dlls are the same as I had in the working project. I have updated all configuration files with the same provider block that was in the working project. I'm at a loss. Any help would be appreciated.

I tried everything on this article and I end up with the same error message ... rings.html

Re: Unable to load the specified metadata resource

Posted: Mon 27 Aug 2018 16:44
by Shalex
We cannot reproduce the issue at the moment.

1. Is your app.config opened in some editor (e.g.: VS editor or some standalone editor) when you save the model to regenerate the code? Try closing such editor if any.
2. Please send us a test project for reproducing the issue.

Re: Unable to load the specified metadata resource

Posted: Fri 01 Feb 2019 20:21
by tbconrad
This problem disappeared for a while but now it's back. I had to make some enhancements to my application and now I can't connect to the Salesforce Context with Error: "Unable to load the specified metadata resource." I have not updated to the new version of entity developer so all of the same versions apply as the OP. I have tried recreating the .edml file through Entity Developer. I have ensured the connection string I am using is from a known working version of the application, all returning the same error message.

Re: Unable to load the specified metadata resource

Posted: Mon 04 Feb 2019 20:12
by Shalex
Please send us a test project for reproducing the issue in our environment.

Re: Unable to load the specified metadata resource

Posted: Mon 22 Jul 2019 12:44
by mahesh.bhosale
I am also getting same error for PostgreSql

Hi, I am using dotconnect for PostgreSql. I am adding licenses in the Project\Properties\licenses.licx Devart.Data.PostgreSql.PgSqlConnection, Devart.Data.PostgreSql, Version=7.10.1013.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=------ I is woking fine on local and manual publish. But on azure devops In the CI/CD pipeline getting error "Innermessage: Unable to load the specified metadata resource" Can you please help me with it

Re: Unable to load the specified metadata resource

Posted: Tue 23 Jul 2019 12:22
by Shalex
1. The metadata resource should be embedded successfully if you compile your application where dotConnect for PostgreSQL is installed.

2. If this doesn't work for some reason, try the following approach:
a) use Metadata Artifact Processing="Copy To Output Directory" to generate the *.ssdl, *.csdl, *.msl files on your development workstation and add them to the project on your build server
b) set Build Action=Embedded resource in the properties of *.ssdl, *.csdl, *.msl
c) compile your MyApplication1.dll and open it in JustDecompile to find out the actual names of resources to specify them in the connection string

For example, after I added DataModel1.csdl, DataModel1.ssdl, DataModel1.msl to my MyApplication1, the names of resources included the "MyApplication1." prefix, the result connection string was the following:

Code: Select all

If this doesn't help, specify the full stack trace of the error with all inner exceptions.

Re: Unable to load the specified metadata resource

Posted: Wed 08 Jul 2020 03:45
by Akshay1990
Thank you for your help. I'm looking for something like that