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Create an Extended property for class that is Multi-Line

Posted: Mon 18 Dec 2017 02:55
by billster6809
In Entity Developer, when you select an entity type in the model, there's a "Documentation" property that has two sub-properties, "Long Description" and "Summary".

Long Description allows entering multi-line text.

I would like that same capability with model Extended Properties. I can select "Model Settings", "Extended Properties", "Class" and create new string properties.

However, I see no way to make those string properties allow multi-line edit. Some of my properties involve 100+ characters. I'd like to be able to enter them on multiple lines.

Is there a way to create a multi-line extended property? I would be ok if it involved editing a template file.

Re: Create an Extended property for class that is Multi-Line

Posted: Wed 20 Dec 2017 06:26
by Shalex
Thank you for your suggestion. We will notify you when the feature is implemented.

Re: Create an Extended property for class that is Multi-Line

Posted: Thu 11 Jan 2018 21:04
by Shalex
The feature is implemented in the newest (6.2.414) build of Entity Developer.