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Error when generating with the DbContext template

Posted: Tue 26 Jul 2011 16:33
by delarou
I just installed the latest version of Entity Developer 4.0.15, and when I try to generate using the DbContext template, I get the following error:
An error occurred during an attempt to compile the template 'DbContext'.
Error List:
error : 'EntityDeveloper.Mapping.IDbColumn' does not contain a definition for 'Column' and no extension method 'Column' accepting a first argument of type 'EntityDeveloper.Mapping.IDbColumn' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Note that the other templates (POCO & Self-Tracking) are working!


Posted: Wed 27 Jul 2011 12:39
by StanislavK
Thank you for the report. This is a known issue, which will be fixed in the nearest build. At the moment, you can manually change the DbContext template as a workaround: find the 'columnMap.Column.Column' entry in the template, and replace it with 'columnMap.Column.Name'.

Posted: Tue 02 Aug 2011 13:52
by ycourbier
Would you please let me know where this template resides. For some reason, I can't find it on my Windows 7 64-bit box.

Posted: Tue 02 Aug 2011 14:18
by ycourbier
OK, got it! I was lookign for a file. Then I read the documentation!

For those of you who may have the same struggle, you need to expand the Templates node in the Model Explorer, then select the DbContext template. You cannnot edit it as is so you need to right-click, copy to Model and then you will be able to edit it.

Posted: Wed 03 Aug 2011 16:55
by StanislavK
We have released the new 4.0.24 version of Entity Developer, which includes the fixed template. The new build can be downloaded from
(the trial version only) or from Registered Users' Area (for users with active subscription only):

For more information about the fixes available in the new build, please refer to