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"Create from Database" is disabled

Posted: Tue 23 Nov 2010 16:58
by rwarren
My setup:

Entity Developer 2.80.143
dotConnect for Oracle
OraDeveloper Tools
VS2010 Ultimate

The good news is that I'm able to generate an Entity Framework model from our existing database, and it all works as expected. The bad news is that I never get the opportunity to tweak the entity names, so that I can have entities like "WorkOrder" instead of "WORK_ORDER" (yes, I know I can do this in the model editor, but I've got 20 or so tables, and many more columns I'd have to edit by hand!). Near as I can tell, this is supposed to be available in EntityDeveloper. However, the "Create from Database" option in the EntityDeveloper menu is grayed out.

Browsing through this forum, I saw someone else had the same problem, and the advice was to reinstall dotConnect. I tried this, but it hasn't changed anything. I did run into a problem on reinstall that said there was a compatibility problem in the GAC:
Devart.Data assembly version is found in Global Assembly Cache.
This product is compatible with Devart.Data.dll version
I chose to continue with the install without doing anything special.

Could that be the reason for the grayed out menus? Any other suggestions?



Posted: Tue 23 Nov 2010 20:31
by rwarren
I just discovered that EntityDeveloper can be run as a standalone application, rather than just from the "Tools" menu in VS2010. From there, I am able to do everything that I need to do, so it appears I don't have a problem after all.

Still, I'm curious why the menu items in VS2010 are disabled, but it's really a moot point now.

Posted: Tue 23 Nov 2010 20:37
by rwarren

... and now I see why those menu items were grayed out. I was working with an edmx file instead of an edml file.

Ok, so I figured it all out on my own.