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Licensing issue with .NET Core 3.1

Posted: Thu 19 Mar 2020 10:22
by davidmillot01

I've bought Linq Connect a few days ago and it works fine with .NET Framework but I have the famous license Error for .NET Core.

But I've strictly followed your instructions to use LINQ CONNECT with .NET Core 3.x which means :

I've installed Linq Connect (linqconnect49pro.exe) without registering in GAC
I've download Devart librairies from Nuget in this .NET Core project

I've stored the official activation key in a file then reference the file from the connection string :

Devart.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnectionStringBuilder csBuilder = new Devart.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnectionStringBuilder();
csBuilder.LicenseKey = @"<Path>\License.key";
csBuilder.DataSource = @"<path>\sqllite.db";
MainContext.MainDataContext context1 = new MainContext.MainDataContext(csBuilder.ToString());

I've also check in debug mode (Modules windows) that the devart libraries loaded are the good one but it still not working (error below), please help me

Feature is not supported. This error is thrown by Devart .NET Standard assemblies if license key validation fails. Possible reasons: 1. License key is not found, refer to the "Licensing .NET Standard (.NET Core) Projects" article in the product documentation. 2. Your product edition (the key was generated for) doesn't support the feature you are trying to use, refer to the editions matrix. 3. Your key is outdated for using the current product version, renew the license key in the Customer Portal.'

Re: Licensing issue with .NET Core 3.1

Posted: Tue 24 Mar 2020 10:55
by Shalex
We have answered to you via email.