left outer join not returning null values

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left outer join not returning null values

Post by Vids » Thu 20 Jun 2013 15:49

The left outer join table(ILCSharedResourceDbSet) has a where clause that applies only for that particular table and my second where clause is what i need to apply on the whole resultant data.I need to get the rows even if the STATUS of my left outer join table is NULL. The OUTPUT of this query returns username of a class only who has status as not null from my left outer join table.I need all the username of a class who has status null and 0,3,4 but not who has status 1 & 2.Sorry of I'm not clear in my question

Code: Select all

var StudentsInfoBasedonTutorialID =( from user in context.aspnet_Users
                                     join enroll in context.EnrollmentEntries
                                          on user.UserId equals enroll.UserId
                                     join enrollbridge in context.EnrollmentEntriesInLearningCarts
                                          on enroll.EnrollmentEntryDatabaseID equals enrollbridge.EnrollmentEntryDatabaseID
                                     join lc in context.LearningCarts
                                          on enrollbridge.LearningCartsDatabaseId equals lc.LearningCartsDatabaseId
                                     join ilcshare in context.ILCSharedResourceDbSet

                                    .Where( o => o.OriginatorLearningCartsDatabaseId == lcOfInterest.LearningCartsDatabaseId && o.ILCResourceDatabaseID == resoucedbid )

                                    on lc.LearningCartsDatabaseId equals ilcshare.RecipientLearningCartsDatabaseId
                                    into shareusergroup from ilcshare in shareusergroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                    select new
                                      userid = user.UserId,
                                      username = user.UserName,
                                      learningcartid = lc.LearningCartsDatabaseId,
                                      status = ilcshare.Status == null ? ilcshare.Status : 0
                                    }).Where(o => o.status == 0 || o.status == 3 || o.status == 4 ).ToList();

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Re: left outer join not returning null values

Post by MariiaI » Fri 21 Jun 2013 07:38

The information provided is not enough to determine the issue.
Please specify the following details:
- the DBMS (and its version) you are working with;
- the version of LinqConnect you are using;
- the generated SQL (you can get it via logging: TestDataContext dc = new TestDataContext(){Log=Console.Out});

Please also send us the sample project or your LinqConnect model (*.lqml file) with which this issue can be reproduced, so that we are able to investigate it in more details.

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