New features in the Entity Framework support!

Discussion of open issues, suggestions and bugs regarding Entity Framework support in ADO.NET Data providers
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New features in the Entity Framework support!

Post by Devart » Thu 27 Jan 2022 17:49

Dear users,

We are glad to announce the new features that are available in the Entity Framework support in the latest version:

Common improvements for databases
  • The bug with generating the "Value cannot be null" error when dropping indexes via Code-First Migrations in EF Core is fixed (Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, DB2)
  • The bug with a materialization used within the Let operator of LINQ query in EF6 is fixed (Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, DB2)
  • The bug with using .Contains with a collection within .Select of LINQ query in EF Core 2 is fixed (Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, DB2)
For Oracle
  • Mapping of internet/intranet data type System.Uri to Oracle string data types is supported in EF Core 3, EF Core 5, EF Core 6
  • Mapping of network data types System.Net.IPAddress and System.Net.NetworkInformation.PhysicalAddress to Oracle string data types is supported in EF Core 5 and EF Core 6
  • The SQL translation of the following class members used in the LINQ query is supported in EF Core 3, EF Core 5, EF Core 6:
    • static method IsNullOrWhiteSpace() of the String class
    • static property Today and instance property DayOfWeek of the DateTime class
    • static methods Sqrt(), Max(), Min(), Log(), Log10(), Sin(), Cos(), Tan(), Asin(), Acos(), Atan(), Atan2(), Sinh(), Cosh(), Tanh() of the Math class
  • The SQL translation of the following class members used in LINQ query is supported in EF Core 5 and EF Core 6:
    • static methods Abs(), Round(), Truncate(), Floor(), Ceiling(), Pow(), Sqrt(), Max(), Min(), Log(), Log10(), Sin(), Cos(), Tan(), Asin(), Acos(), Atan(), Atan2(), Sinh(), Cosh(), Tanh() of the MathF class
  • The SQL translation of the following class members used in the LINQ query is supported in EF Core 6:
    • static method Log2() of the Math and MathF classes
  • Mapping of Oracle object types like MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY or Oracle user-defined object datatypes in a database to the OracleObject class in EF Core 3, EF Core 5, EF Core 6 is supported
  • The config.SpatialOptions.PreferSpatialOperators configuration option is added (default value is False) to provide the possibility of using spatial operators instead of functions from the SDO_GEOM package
  • The bug with auto savepoints enabled in EF Core 6 transactions is fixed
  • The SQL translation of the following class members used in the LINQ query is supported in EF Core 3, EF Core 5, EF Core 6:
    • static method IsNullOrWhiteSpace() of the String class
    • static property Today and instance property DayOfWeek of the DateTime class
    • static methods Sqrt(), Max(), Min(), Log(), Log10(), Sin(), Cos(), Tan(), Asin(), Acos(), Atan(), Atan2() of the Math class
  • The SQL translation of the following class members used in the LINQ query is supported in EF Core 5 and EF Core 6:
    • static methods Abs(), Round(), Truncate(), Floor(), Ceiling(), Pow(), Sqrt(), Max(), Min(), Log(), Log10(), Sin(), Cos(), Tan(), Asin(), Acos(), Atan(), Atan2() of the MathF class
  • The SQL translation of the following class members used in the LINQ query is supported in EF Core 6:
    • static method Log2() of the Math and MathF classes
  • The new \Entity\EF5\net47\Devart.Data.MySql.Entity.EF5.dll assembly compiled with .NET Framework 4.7 is added
  • The new \Entity\EF5\net47\Devart.Data.MySql.Entity.Migrations.EF5.dll assembly compiled with .NET Framework 4.7 is added
  • The new \Entity\EF5\net47\Devart.Data.MySql.Entity.Spatials.EF5.dll assembly compiled with .NET Framework 4.7 is added
  • The new methods ExtractAsByte(), ExtractAsSByte(), ExtractAsInt16(), ExtractAsInt32(), ExtractAsInt64(), ExtractAsSingle(), ExtractAsDouble(), ExtractAsDecimal(), ExtractAsDateTime() are added to the MySqlJsonFunctions class for working with the JSON data type in LINQ to Entities queries
  • Mapping of internet/intranet data type System.Uri to MySQL string data types is supported in EF Core 3, EF Core 5, EF Core 6
  • Mapping of network data types System.Net.IPAddress and System.Net.NetworkInformation.PhysicalAddress to MySQL string data types is supported in EF Core 5 and EF Core 6
For PostgreSQL:
  • The new \Entity\EF5\net47\Devart.Data.PostgreSql.Entity.EF5.dll assembly compiled with .NET Framework 4.7 is added
  • The new \Entity\EF5\net47\Devart.Data.PostgreSql.Entity.Migrations.EF5.dll assembly compiled with .NET Framework 4.7 is added
  • The new \Entity\EF5\net47\Devart.Data.PostgreSql.Entity.Spatials.EF5.dll assembly compiled with .NET Framework 4.7 is added
  • The bug with throwing the "schema does not exist" error by Database.EnsureDeleted() in EF Core is fixed
  • The bug with saving and reading string value NULL to/from HSTORE data type in PostgreSQL mapped to Dictionary<string, string> or ImmutableDictionary<string, string> or SortedDictionary<string, string> or ImmutableSortedDictionary<string, string> in EF Core 3, EF Core 5, EF Core 6 is fixed
Devart development team
