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dotConnect for SalesForce - No Nugget package

Posted: Mon 08 Feb 2021 01:05
by vblain

I'm using dotConnect for SalesForce and getting Method not found: 'System.String System.AppDomainSetup.get_LicenseFile()'. The response on other board is to get the nugget package but there are no DevArt.Data.SalesForce package available.

How do I fix this error with EF Core3.1

Re: dotConnect for SalesForce - No Nugget package

Posted: Mon 08 Feb 2021 11:26
by Shalex
.NET Core is not supported by dotConnect for Salesforce. There is no timeframe for the .NET Standard (.NET Core) feature in dotConnect for Salesforce at the moment. We will notify you about the progress.

Re: dotConnect for SalesForce - No Nugget package

Posted: Mon 08 Feb 2021 16:16
by vblain
So Entity Developer has the ability to generate an EF Core Data Access Layer, and is marketed as such. But there is no timeline for the actual timeframe to make it useable within a program??

That is kind of mis-leading in my opinion. This is mainly why I purchased this product.

From your own product site - - : "dotConnect for Salesforce allows you to access Salesforce data via Entity Framework - Microsoft's recommended data access technology. It supports Entity Framework v4, v5, v6, and Entity Framework Core, and enables you to use the following Entity Framework features with Salesforce data"

There is a term for that in CA law - False Advertising.

Re: dotConnect for SalesForce - No Nugget package

Posted: Tue 09 Feb 2021 12:33
by Shalex
You can use dotConnect for Salesforce with EF Core 3.1 in .NET Framework projects. Please add references to the following assemblies to your project:
* "C:\Program Files (x86)\Devart\dotConnect\Salesforce\Devart.Data.dll"
* "C:\Program Files (x86)\Devart\dotConnect\Salesforce\Devart.Data.Salesforce.dll"
* "C:\Program Files (x86)\Devart\dotConnect\Salesforce\Entity\EFCore3\Devart.Data.Salesforce.Entity.EFCore.dll"

These are assemblies compiled for .NET Framework.