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EF Core 3.1 Generated SQL error: Greater > and smaller < than get reversed in some cases!

Posted: Fri 15 May 2020 12:27
by mbouwhui
We are encountering the following bug in versions 9.11.951 and 9.11.980:
We have a .Net Core 3.1 WEB API that uses Entity Framework 3.1.3

When we build a LINQ query like the following:

Code: Select all

DateTime checkDate = new DateTime(2015, 5, 1); 
var result = from model in carsContext.Models 
                    join v3 in carsContext.ModelVersions.Where( 
                        v => checkDate >= v.STARTDATE && (checkDate < v.ENDDATE || v.ENDDATE == null)) 
                        on model.ID equals v3.MODEL_ID into v2 
                    from v in (v2.DefaultIfEmpty()) 
                    select new ModelVersionDto() 
                         modelName = model.DESCRIPTION, 
                         ModelVersion = v.DESCRIPTION 
return result; 
With version 9.10.909 this results in the following Oracle query:

Code: Select all

SELECT "m".DESCRIPTION "modelName", "t".DESCRIPTION "ModelVersion" 
    WHERE (:p__checkDate_0 >= "m0".STARTDATE) AND ((:p__checkDate_1 < "m0".ENDDATE) OR "m0".ENDDATE IS NULL) 
) "t" ON "m".ID = "t".MODEL_ID 
Which is correct.

However, when upgrading package Devart.Data.Oracle.EFCore to 9.11.951 or 9.11.980, running the same query will result in the following Oracle query:

Code: Select all

SELECT "m".DESCRIPTION "modelName", "t".DESCRIPTION "ModelVersion" 
    WHERE ("m0".STARTDATE >= :p__checkDate_0) AND (("m0".ENDDATE < :p__checkDate_1) OR "m0".ENDDATE IS NULL) 
) "t" ON "m".ID = "t".MODEL_ID 
As you can see, the arguments in the WHERE clause are switched, while the operators remain the same, which would only work for eg. equal or between operators.

Re: EF Core 3.1 Generated SQL error: Greater > and smaller < than get reversed in some cases!

Posted: Fri 15 May 2020 12:37
by mbouwhui
I have sent an e-mail with the reproduction for this issue.
Hope to hear from you soon!

Re: EF Core 3.1 Generated SQL error: Greater > and smaller < than get reversed in some cases!

Posted: Thu 21 May 2020 19:42
by Shalex
The bug with the opposite order of operands in case of less than, more than operators in the Where clause of LINQ query in EF Core 3 is fixed. We will notify you when the new public build is released.

Re: EF Core 3.1 Generated SQL error: Greater > and smaller < than get reversed in some cases!

Posted: Sat 20 Jun 2020 17:51
by Shalex
New build of dotConnect for Oracle 9.11.1034 is available for download: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=41287.