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New features in the Entity Framework support!

Posted: Tue 24 Dec 2019 10:59
by Devart
Dear users,

We are glad to announce the new features that are available in the Entity Framework support in the latest version:
  • Entity Framework 6.4 is supported
  • Entity Framework Core 3.1 is supported
  • The new \Entity\EFCore3\Devart.Data.<provider>.Entity.EFCore.dll assembly compiled with EF Core 3.1 and .NET Framework 4.6.1 is added
  • The behavior is changed: System.Decimal is mapped now to MySQL data type DECIMAL(58,29) instead of DECIMAL by Code-First Migrations in Entity Framework Core 1 - 3 (MySQL)
  • The bug with applying .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() to the string, guid, byte[] properties with .Key() and without .HasDefaultValueSql() in EF Core is fixed
  • The config.DatabaseScript.ForeignKey.IndexCreation configuration option is supported in Entity Framework Core 1 - 3 (Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, DB2)
  • The bug with generating SQL when using explicit cast in LINQ queries in Entity Framework Core 1 - 2 is fixed (Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, DB2)
  • The new config.CodeFirstOptions.TruncateAllLongNames option (default value is False) is added to use EF Core 2/EF Core 3 implementation for truncating long names of columns and PK/FK/IX/UX (Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, DB2)
  • The bug with throwing the "Null TypeMapping in Sql Tree" error by methods in LINQ query in EF Core 3 is fixed (Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite)
  • The bug with throwing System.NullReferenceException on SaveChanges() when inserting a new entity with value generated by the database in EF Core 3 is fixed (Oracle)
  • The config.DatabaseScript.ForeignKey.IndexTablespace configuration option is supported in Entity Framework Core 1 - 3 (Oracle)
  • The bug with redundant CASTs when working with NUMBER, DATE and TIMESTAMP columns in Entity Framework Core 1 - 2 is fixed (Oracle)
  • The RenameColumn operation translated to ALTER TABLE RENAME COLUMN is supported for MySQL 8.0 and higher via Code-First Migrations in EF4/EF5/EF6/EF Core 1/EF Core 2/EF Core 3 (MySQL)
  • The bug with using bitwise operators And, Or, Xor with Int64 arguments in LINQ query is fixed (SQLite)
  • The config.DmlOptions.InsertNullBehaviour feature with the InsertNull (default) and Omit options is supported in EF Core (Salesforce)
Devart development team