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New version, very bad for me

Posted: Mon 06 Apr 2009 10:41
by lsforzini
:x I'm very, very angry. I develop a tool to generate n-tier application based on edmx file generated from VS2008. With the 4 version of OraDirect.NET, no problem. I was able to generate the edmx with all associations. Now with the new version 5 of dotConnect for Oracle I get this error:

The relationship 'ONHOSPITAL.T_AMB_CONSULENZE_DETTAGLIO_APP' has columns that are not part of the key of the table on the primary side of the relationship which is not supported, the relationship was excluded.

but the relationship is correctly generated in Oracle.
This appens when the relationship is multi-columns.
I can't use EntityDeveloper because doesn't generate edmx, is very slow and, for entity framework, is not free. Please, tell me if you mean to solve this problem in next release otherwise I'm forced to change provider.

Posted: Tue 07 Apr 2009 06:56
by AndreyR
Could you please describe the situation in which Entity Developer is very slow?

Posted: Tue 07 Apr 2009 07:26
by lsforzini
I have a database with about 150 table and 600 relationship. Retrieve the model from database take about 20 minutes. Retrieve the model with edmgen take only 30 seconds.

Posted: Tue 07 Apr 2009 12:31
by AndreyR
We are working on increasing the performance at the moment.
The new Entity Developer 2.0 Beta 2 will contain significant improvements in this direction.
This Beta will be available this week.