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{“Cannot convert value”} error while save geometry data to postgresql table

Posted: Wed 17 Jan 2018 07:02
by omurbilgili
I want to add a record to postgresql table with DevArt dotConnect for PostgreSQL component. I use Entity Framework 6 and I add a kind of NuGet packages to my project. SharpMap, NetTopologySuite,GeoAPI...etc common geographic libraries for .net. But i get an error while saving data. Error is {"Cannot convert value"}. I can not solve this problem.

Code: Select all

using (var db = new MAKSDBDEVEntities())
            var ilce = new MaksIlce()
                Adi = "test",
                Guid = "hede",
                IlkKayitIp = "",
                IlkKayitTarihi = DateTime.Now,
                IlkKayitKullaniciId = 0,
                UlkeGID = 1,
                Geom = DbGeometry.PointFromText("POINT(10 20)", 4326)

Re: {“Cannot convert value”} error while save geometry data to postgresql table

Posted: Wed 17 Jan 2018 15:04
by Shalex
Please refer to
viewtopic.php?f=30&t=27655 ... resql.html

Be aware that starting from v7.5.639 Entity Framework-related assemblies are renamed and versioning changed (viewtopic.php?f=3&t=33573):
Devart.Data.PostgreSql.Entity.dll (7.5.639.6)
Devart.Data.PostgreSql.Entity.EF6.dll (7.5.639.0)

If this information doesn't help, please send us a small test project with the corresponding DDL/DML script.